Good Morning Bobcats!!!

Fact of the Day:  Did you know that in your lifetime you’ll shed over 40 pounds of skin?  WOW, amazing!


Today is National Chocolate Milk Day!  Don’t forget to drink a carton at lunch today.

Joke of the Day:  Our jokes today come from 4th Grader, Jayden French. 

Her first joke says

Q:  What do you get when you cross a snake and a pie?

A:  A pie-thon

Good one, Jayden!



Q: What does a buffalo say to his son leaving?

A:  Bison

Ha, ha, ha…..that was hilarious, Jayden!

The COU Student Council wants to hear your jokes!  If you have a funny joke or riddle and would like to share it with the whole school, please submit your jokes to Kim’s office.  If your joke or riddle is chosen it will be announced during the morning announcements and you will get the credit!  Keep them clean & keep them funny!

If you happen to be missing a locker decoration or never had one put up yet, please write your name and the locker decoration you are missing on a piece of paper and get it to Mrs. Christiansen.  She will contact the Student Council member in charge.  Thank you! 

Thank you to the Student Council members who volunteered to help this Saturday night at the Crossroads Seasons Change Fundraiser.  Please try to be at the Community Building in Charter Oak at 4:30 and someone will be there to tell you what your duties are. 

For lunch today is pizza, corn, lettuce salad, and mandarin oranges.

Breakfast for Monday is breakfast egg roll.

Lunch for Monday is Chicken noodle soup, crackers, fresh veggies, dip, applesauce, Ham and cheese sandwich.